
Culture in Brno


Národní divadlo v Brně – (The National Theatre in Brno) – The National Theatre in Brno is one of the main theatre stage sets and includes Janáčkova opera, ballet and Mahenovy činohry. One of the NT buildings is Reduta theatre at the Zelný trh (square), which is among the oldest theatre buildings in Central Europe.

Other theaters include Brno Městské divadlo Brno, divadlo Husa na provázku, HaDivadlo and more.

Gallery and museum

Muzeum města Brna – (City Museum) – City Museum is located at the castle Špilberk. You can see 6 permanent exhibitions, such as Kaple nejsvětější trojice (Trinity chapel), Špilberk from Castle to Fortress and many others. Current exhibitions here

Moravská galerie – Moravská galerie (Moravian Gallery) – Moravian Gallery deals with visual culture since 1961 and is second largest museum in the Czech republic. Exhibitions, permanent exhibits and lectures are held in Pražákův palác, Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum, Místrodržitelský palác and Jurkovičova vila. More here

Cinema and shopping

In Brno there are situated two multiplex cinemas – one is directly in the city center in Velký Špalíček (shopping centre),another one is in the largest shopping center of Czech republic – Olympia – highway D2, direction Bratislava, Slovakia. For shopping you can also visit the mall Galerie Vaňkovka, Futurum, Shopping Park and more.